A comedy by Norm Foster
Directed by Tom Mackan
Produced by Peter Malysewich
Widely praised, this terrific play comes with all of life’s reality enough to keep audiences totally involved, laughing and deeply moved at the same time. When Foster gets his genius working on a relationship between a man and woman, the exploration grabs us and keeps us fully engaged. Rudy and Norah meet quite accidentally after over three years of divorce and they set off on a memory trip of discovery that is classic in its telling. This is a near masterpiece of writing with dialogue astounding in its understanding of people and how they cope. And don’t forget, ever so funny and moving for all that.
“Positively sparkles with wit and entertainment from start to finish.”
– North Shore Times, Australia
“Foster’s deceptively simple comedy echoes with a haunting resonance long after the laughter has faded away.”
– Montreal Suburban
Production Dates: September 21-22, 27-29 October 4-6 2012
Rudy … Duncan Thompson
Norah … Natalie Ruginis