A drama by Ruth & Augustus Goetz
Directed by Tom Mackan
Produced by Michelle Semeniuk
Set by Dani Podetz
Costumes by Eileen Newton and Eileen Westaway.
A first rate drama of a thwarted fortune hunter, Timeless classic family drama set in the 1800’s.
Production Dates: February 6-7, 12-13-14, 19-20-21 1998 Cast
David Elstub
Cathy Bethune
Elaine Hale
Hedy Ross
Amanda Samuels
Romeo Augustus
Laurie Kortschak
Erwin deVlas
Kim McWhirter
This February production is B.L.T’s entry into the Western Ontario Drama Festival, to be held in GUELPH Ontario, March 16th – 20th, `98. A great week of Theatre. This Festival is where the five best plays in South-Western Ontario, as picked by a traveling adjudicator, play once more. The finalist is then picked to perform at the Theatre Ontario Festival, this year to be held in Owen Sound.