Category: 2001-2002

Silver Dagger

A thriller by David French

Directed by Ian MacPherson
Produced by Michelle Spanik & Connie Trotter

Steve Marsh’s wife receives a series of phone calls and letters that threaten their marriage. Adultery, blackmail, murder, with a figure lurking in the rain.

Production dates – April 19,20,25,26,27 May 2,3,4 2002

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By Lee Blessing

Directed by Liz Inman
Produced by Trevor Bonanno

El-ee-mosy-nary the winning word in a spelling contest,
daughter, mother and grandmother, Funny, perceptive and
eloquently written play about the lives of three women.

Production Dates: February 1,2,7,8,9,10*,14,15,16 2002
*matinee 2:00 p.m.

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Lost in Yonkers

By Neil Simon

Directed by Vince Guerriero
Produced by Michelle Spanik

Another winner from America’s greatest comic playwright. This memory
play deals with another battling ‘odd couple’, this time Mother and
daughter plus the rest of the family. “One of Simon’s most impressive
and funniest plays”. N.Y. Daily News.

Production Dates: September 14-15, 20-21-22, 27-28-29, 2001

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